
发布时间:2024-02-22 发布人:中拓 发布来源:http://www.zhongtuopower.cn/

1. 方便袋.小的砂石。当机组运行时机组的风扇会产生很大的吸力,容易把轻巧的东西吸进机组造成机组损坏或人员损伤。要保持发电机房内整洁.干净.卫生。如在机房内地面上有尘土.

1. Convenient bag. Small sand and gravel. When the unit is running, the fan of the unit will generate a large suction force, which can easily suck lightweight objects into the unit and cause damage to the unit or personnel. Firstly, it is necessary to keep the generator room clean, tidy, and hygienic. If there is dust on the ground inside the computer room

2. 开机前请检查机组上方是否有杂物,如有杂物或小的工具请及时清理,机组上方严禁放东西!因机组在运转发电过程中机组会产生一定的震动力,会将机组上的方的物品震落,如掉落的物品与机组的排气扇相碰,将会造成物品的破损,机组的损害,人员的伤害。

2. Before starting up, please check if there are any debris above the unit. If there are any debris or small tools, please clean them up in a timely manner. It is strictly prohibited to place anything above the unit! During the operation and power generation process of the unit, a certain amount of vibration force will be generated, which will shake off the objects on the unit. If the falling objects collide with the exhaust fan of the unit, it will cause damage to the objects, damage to the unit, and injury to personnel.

3. 在机房内应做好防鼠措施。养殖场是老鼠经常出没的地方,特别是机房内老鼠更容易愿意在此安家,老鼠会把控制箱里的线咬坏,轻则造成线路短路,重则会造成连电烧毁电机,所以务必做好防鼠工作。


3. Rat prevention measures should be taken in the computer room. A breeding farm is a place where mice often appear, especially in the computer room where they are more willing to settle down. Old mice will bite and damage the wires in the control box, causing a short circuit in the circuit and even burning the motor when connected to electricity. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in rat prevention.

4. 保证水箱防冻液或水的充足,以防水箱及发动机缺水造成的机组损伤。水箱缺水要及时加满,加水请加防冻液或大桶装的纯净水,这样可减少水结垢,以免造成水循环不良产生的高温。

4. Ensure sufficient antifreeze or water in the water tank to prevent damage to the unit caused by water shortage in the water tank and engine. If the water tank is short of water, it should be filled up in a timely manner. When adding water, please add antifreeze or purified water in large barrels to reduce water scaling and avoid high temperatures caused by poor water circulation.

5. 保证发动机内不缺油。加油时要加到油标尺指定范围内,加机油要加大的油例如壳牌,长城,统一,美孚等。机油要用CF等级以上的机油,如果机油用的不好的时间长了会导致机体的缸盖损坏。

5. Ensure that there is no shortage of oil in the engine. When refueling, it is necessary to add oil to the specified range on the dipstick. When adding engine oil, it is necessary to increase the brand of oil, such as Shell, Great Wall, Uni President, Mobil, etc. The engine oil should be of CF grade or above. If the engine oil is not used well for a long time, it will cause damage to the cylinder head of the engine body.

6. 在机组运行正常后合闸输出电前一定要确保市电已经断开,防止与市电相冲烧毁机组

6. Before closing the output power after the unit is running normally, it is necessary to ensure that the mains power has been disconnected to prevent it from colliding with the mains power and burning the unit


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